mary henderson

For those who have lost their ability to dream!

God Makes the Rough Ground Smooth

God Makes the Rough Ground Smooth

Isaiah 42:16 says this:

Then I will lead the blind along a way they never knew;
I will guide them along paths they have not known.
I will make the darkness become light for them,
and the rough ground smooth.
These are the things I will do;
I will not leave my people.

Have you ever faced a road, a new road that seemed daunting, even frightening at times? A new venture, a new job, a new opportunity or a relationship? We all have faced those roads. I picture myself standing at wide open road ahead of me. It goes on and on for miles so there is no way to see to the other side; to see the finish line, the goal. Maybe you’re there right now.

Can I share with you some hope and encouragement?

The God who created you and I, who placed in our hearts the ability to do great things for Him, has also made a way for us in everything that we will ever face. The fact that this verse says promises that He will make the darkness become light for us and the rough ground smooth, means those challenges will be there. They are waiting for us; waiting to trip us up and cause doubt and confusion.

But look at the promise that we have from the Father! He will open our blind eyes so that we can see clearly. He promises to guide us down each unknown path. He declares that the darkness has to be diminished and transform into light. And He will make the rough ground smooth. All hindrances have to make way for the Creator! Some translations use the word “crooked places” or “rugged places”.

Living in California, I understand what rugged means. Every time I go hiking, I have to remind myself to watch carefully where I’m going. Not only are snakes plentiful during certain seasons, but the ground can become uneven and rocky. It’s so easy to step without looking and roll my ankle as I have more times than I care to admit. Limping home makes me respect the ruggedness of the terrain the next time I venture out.

Life is so like that, isn’t it? You can be going along, enjoying the scenery and out of nowhere, the road turns rough and rocky. Unseen enemies are waiting to harm us and stop our progress. But when we keep our eyes on the One who not only created me but knows the way, I can maneuver the dangers and pitfalls so much better.

But my favorite part of that verse is the last part.

“I will not leave my people.”

Another translations says, “I will not leave them abandoned or undone.”

Over and over we hear this in both the Old and New Testament. He will never leave us or forsake us. He made that promise to the great men and women of the Bible just as they were setting off to an unknown land or face a battle they had never faced before. Why? Because He knows that if we will remember that He is our strength, our guide, or provider then we don’t have to strive in our own strength. We can fight, go forward, face those giants knowing that it’s not in our strength or will, it’s in His.

I have seen this over and over again in such a short period of time recently. I have watched Him move mountains and make a way without me having to work so hard to make things work. When I needed boxes to make it to Utila on time for the projects we have going on there, against the odds, He got them there on time. I sat back in amazement of how He opened an opportunity out of the blue for me to not only attend a Women’s Conference but be able to display my devotionals. The perfect discipleship curriculum that will be needed for the ministry we want to do in Utila literally fell into my lap this week, as well as a way to get them there. I figured out how to make an online store, prepare for in-person sales at the book launches in a short period of time because they would be needed sooner than I anticipated.

Any other time, I would be writing emails, calling, texting, maneuvering, knocking on doors, forcing some open but God knows I just didn’t have it in me right now. So, He made the road smooth. He turned the darkness into light and made me a promise to never leave me.

Dear reader, take a breath, get alone and ask God to meet you in your prayer place. Talk to Him about the dark and rough places. Let Him speak peace and hope into your life and spirit. And then step back and watch Him move the mountains and make a way, all while promising you that you will never walk alone!

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